As a general rule, a healthy diet for seniors is the samediet that suits most adult eaters. The quantity of intake, however, should be decreased a certain degree because the metabolism of food slows down in older years, and excessive intake of food leads to obesity and health problems. A variety of changes should be made to avoid this.
Sweets and greasy/fatty food are the first foods seniors need to limit. Oil, salt, coffee, tea, alcohol, and synthetic food also need to be controlled. Fluid intake (especially water) should increase. Of course, this is a healthy diet for any age, but seniors can especially benefit from eating this way.
The most frequently encountered problem in senior citizens diets is with digestion. To keep the stomach and bowels working well, adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber are needed in the diet. These come from food sources like whole grain breads, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Many foods are now enriched with fiber, so it is especially easy to get all the fiber you need in your diet.
Many senior citizens are worried about mental degradation and fruits and vegetables can prevent this. By eating a diet that includes apples, pears, oranges, prunes, and other fruits, you can greatly positively influence your mental health. Studies have also shown that leafy green vegetables, high in Vitamin E, can slow the rate of cognitive decline in seniors.
Vegetables are usually eaten with salad dressings that are rich in fat. Fat is already known to increase the absorption of vitamin E in the body, meaning a little fat can be a good thing. However, fat should not be taken in excess, especially by seniors, because it is not easy to digest and its accumulation can be the cause of obesity and cardiovascular problems.
If you are worried about your health in later years of life, the best policy is to talk with your doctor. They can provide you with more information about diet and answer concerns you may have. It is important to ask for your doctor’s advice before starting any kind of new diet (or changing your current diet) in order to be sure it is best for you and your body.
Health and vitality are important and a healthy diet can help prevent many of the illnesses common among seniors.
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